The ovaries are responsible for producing eggs and releasing hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone, which play key roles in a woman’s menstrual cycle, reproduction and overall hormonal balance. At times, fluid-filled sacs can form within or on the surface of the ovaries, leading to ovarian cysts. Most ovarian cysts are generally harmless and clear up on their own without any intervention. However, some cysts may grow or even rupture.
An ovarian cyst rupture is usually accompanied by the following warning signs:
In addition to the signs mentioned above, a ruptured cyst may cause nausea, vomiting, fever, weakness, light-headedness, and pelvic tenderness.
The exact cause of ruptured ovarian cysts remains unknown, but some factors may increase its risk of developing. These include:
Confirming the presence of ruptured ovarian cysts sometimes involves ruling out other possible conditions with similar symptoms. Common tests include:
A ruptured ovarian cyst must be promptly treated or complications may develop. These include:
For ruptured ovarian cysts without complications, the doctor may prescribe pain medications to help
manage the pain and discomfort. The cyst will also be looked at with an ultrasound imaging test.
However, if the ruptured cyst has caused more severe symptoms such as significant pain and bleeding,
hospitalisation may then be needed for intravenous pain medications to be given as well as fluids
and blood replacement.
In some cases, laparoscopic surgery may be needed to control the bleeding and remove the cyst or, in
more severe cases, the entire ovary.
Knowing the signs of an ovarian cyst rupture is key for prompt detection and treatment. For a
consultation with our ovarian cyst specialist, please contact us at 6733 8810.
Have you noticed symptoms of an ovarian cyst? Let us help you.